
Useful links about piano activity

These links take you away from this website, so they open in a new window. In order to return to this links page, just close the window of the external link when you have finished with it. Please note that neither Clifford Evans nor Marycliff Productions are responsible for the contents of these external websites.

ISM The Independent Society of Musicians. A unique and thriving community of over 11,000 professionals working in music.

ABRSM The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. Music examinations, helpful info, publications and teachers' forum.

Musescore.com Download free, pro software to create, play and print sheet music. Clifford publishes his piano arrangements here and Musescore converts them to YouTube videos. Playback is speed‐adjustable and the notes light up.

Steinway & Sons Steinway & Sons was founded by master craftsmen, trained in the best European tradition. Each Steinway grand piano takes nearly a year to create. Nothing is hurried. The majority of professional pianists prefer a Steinway instrument and Clifford is delighted to own one of their beautiful Model B Grand pianos from new, which he reserves for recording.

Eye Bach Choir The Eye Bach Choir was founded in 1974 by Merlin and Ann Channon and is one of the foremost choirs in Suffolk. With over 50 singers and a tradition of excellent performance, its repertoire covers 16th to 20th centuries. Clifford is pleased to provide you with this link, not only due to the choir's great accomplishments, but because it was its founder, Merlin Channon who encouraged him to continue concert work.

Musicians Directory Made by Musicians for Musicians. Musicians Directory is a website for musicians to showcase and advertise their talents and services. They provide a searchable directory of instrumentalists, composers and singers who are available for orchestral work, session work, commissions, recordings, teaching, accompanying and more.

Suffolk InfoLink Suffolk InfoLink is an online directory of community information: local clubs, societies, community and voluntary organisations, childcare providers and services. This directory shows just how many varied cultural activities there are in Suffolk.

XML-Sitemaps.com XML Sitemaps generator is a most helpful tool in website building.

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